Friday, November 7, 2008

Protesters or Mobters

When I was overseas on vacation, I was kept in touch of the news events of Taiwan from BBC World News and CNN. Apparently, the world sees the signing of the free trade agreement between China and Taiwan as a landmark event that will change the once tension ridden cross-strait relationship to a point of harmony. I smile with the gratification knowing we have finally emerged from the shadow of formal president Chen.

But when I returned home and turned on the TV, I was greeted with news clips of violent clashes between the police and protesters. Angry protesters were in a brutal frenzy, hitting the police with their fists and feet. Rocks and homemade petrol bomb were thrown aimlessly. I quickly turned off the TV thinking just what went wrong with our nation; those are not protesters, they were but bunch of mobsters.

To make matter worse, TV commentators, instead of condemn the act of violence, were quick to blame the government of not handling the situation democratically. “The implementation of the marshal police policy is the root of violence,” said one of the commentators. But in my opinion, it’s simply the blatant disrespect for the law and order.

The Chinese delegates have gone back to China and it’s time to find those who incited violence and throw them in jail. After all, we have enough footage to nail these mobsters, don't we?

1 comment:

Jo-Han Cheng, the VP of A Team! said...

Interesting to know!

Any news updated in December please? ;-)
