Monday, March 30, 2009

Judging a Book by Its Cover

The other day I told my wife that I found a certain celebrity exceptionally pretty. She laughed and said because she has an educated look. Then I told her I also like a newscaster from ET Today, she smirked and said she is simply a good looking brainless bimbo.

Come to think of it, you can, to some degree, judge a person’s culture background by his or her looks. Here are my personal observations:
1. Highly educated people tend to have more elegant manner (with an exception of our past minister of education who seems to take pride in picking his nose in public).
2. Construction workers are usually tanned, muscle bound, and red faced (excessive alcohol consumption?). Their teeth are stained with betel nut juice and the facial muscles are marred with harshness and brut.
3. People who dress nicely gain more respect from others

I am particularly puzzled by my last statement because choice of clothing can easily upgrade one’s look without too much of an investment. A simple but well pressed shirt, a color coordinated pair of pants, and a nicely combed hair makes all the difference.

1 comment:

Daniel H said...

Yeah,I agree with most of what you're saying.
But I think there are some exceptions, especially when it comes to politicians (at least in Sweden). For an example, here's a picture of the current Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivering a prize at the swedish grammy awards last year:
Carl Bildt
Also, I think it is really different in different cultures. In some cultures, for an example, a tan is something signaling that that you can afford to take some days off to go abroad and relax in the sun.