Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How logic came to play in my nightmare

I had a nightmare last night. I saw myself walking through a traditional indoor market looking for something (couldn't remember much of what it was really). I asked around and was lead to a portion of market I have never been. After several turns, I was completely lost. In fact, I found myself in a maze of corridors that lead to more corridors. There were doors but most of them were nailed shut, some of them even had their aluminum covering peeled off. I wasn't quite sure how long I was lost but the daylight was slowly but surely dimming away. In my haste, I found myself entangled with a large sheet of dust covered plastic sheet hang from the ceiling. After I struggled free I was greeted with a door at end of the corridor. I turned the knob and open it. It was just a bathroom. As I walked away from it I felt a presence behind me. I turned and looked and instead of seeing the bathroom, it was the kitchen of my house and my wife stood here with her back facing me wearing a white rope. With a sigh of relief, I walked towards her and proceed to stretch my hand to touch her. Right at that moment, my logic kicked in; this could not be my wife. What came after was an incredible fear and yet it was too late to prevent my hand from touching her waist. I could almost felt the warmth of her body and even before she turned to face me, I screamed. The scream was real because I heard it as my wife shook me awake. I thought I should write this one down because it is rare for me to remember so vividly of my dreams. May be it meant something.

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