Friday, October 3, 2008


My wife has been trying to adopt a dog in the University where she worked. It is a median sized, short haired black dog with fuzzy dark brown fur around her neck. She has long snout, skinny but strong legs. My wife likes her because the dog exhibits all the mannerism of a strong leader.

For days, we labored to entice her to eat from a bowel we provided for her. Eventually we were able to put a flee collar on her and a heart shaped tag with contact information and her name- “FujiDog”. The reason we call her FujiDog is because she looks just like the shopkeeper’s dog in the nearby Fuji Photo Studio.

For the next few days, FujiDog became a regular at my wife’s office. One day, we realized her collar was gone and her visit to my wife’s office became more sporadic until one day she disappeared all together. Rumor has it that FujiDog is being adopted by a group of students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

“The love from many is better than the love from one,” my wife told me sullenly. Somehow we did not find the rumor creditable; FujiDog is obviously not on the campus ground. The sad thing is we didn’t even have a picture of her to remember her by.

Couple of months later, when my wife and I paid a visit to the campus humane society with our donation, we casually asked the students whether they have seen FujiDog.
“You mean the young bitch with brown fuzzy fur! She was one of the dogs contracted canine plaque that wiped out half of the dogs on campus couple of months ago. We had to put her to sleep!” said one of the volunteers.

My wife broke down and cried. As for me, I held my sadness well. The truth hurts, but at least I found some comfort through a timely closure.
FujiDog is in a better place, I am sure.


IRWAN said...

no doubt that you and your wife really really love dogs.

Carlita said...

This a very sad story. I share with you and your wife the love for dogs, I really like them and feel so sad when something bad happen to them or when heartless people treat them bad.

Jo-Han Cheng, the VP of A Team! said...

Think in the other way:
They don't need any suffer here! Sounds good?


IRWAN said...
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